The Pueblos Jovenes in Peru: Evolution, Challenges, and Hope

Peru, considered a world-famous destination home to breathtaking archeological sites like the Incan citadel Machu Picchu, is also the site of The Pueblos Jovenes in Peru, settlements that tell a story of resilience and challenges. The 3rd largest country in South America, it remains an artistic mecca with colourful textiles, ceramics, and metalwork created by a varied population of Europeans, Indigenous peoples, Africans, and Asians. Devastatingly, millions of people here are also living in poverty, struggling to survive while other parts of Peru enjoy stability and prosperity. Many poor Peruvian communities have seen great improvement over the last four decades, but there is still much work to be done.

The Gradual Evolution of The Pueblos Jovenes in Peru

With the incredible population growth in Lima between the 1940’s and the 1980’s, construction of many districts with makeshift migrant housing was established to accommodate the influx of millions of Peruvian settlers from rural mountain regions who were seeking better economic opportunities. With this rapid building there was inevitably infrastructure issues, poorly built housing, lack of proper sanitation, and often sickness from lack of clean water. Eventually over time the residents of these pueblos have succeeded in surviving, using whatever materials they could either find or buy to build shelters for their families. Limited to raising animals on their small plot sizes with the existing sandy soil, the poorest regions of The Pueblos Jovenes in Peru aren’t fertile enough to allow for crops to grow, with animals unable to graze in the arid peripheral areas they inhabit.

Safe Homes Builds Hope in The Pueblos Jovenes

Today these “Pueblos Jovenes”, or little towns, officially recognized by Mayor Alfonso Barrantes in 1984, are home to hundreds of neighbourhoods, many lacking life’s basic essentials. Many of the homes in the slums of The Pueblos Jovenes in Peru were built quickly and are structurally unsafe. This is where Safe Homes is working to improve living conditions, improving sanitation conditions, and building sustainable infrastructure.

The Business of Living in The Pueblos Jovenes

Safe Homes works all over Latin America and Africa, but mainly in the southern area of Lima where thousands of homes have been constructed on the rough terrains on the outskirts of Lima. These communities of The Pueblos Jovenes in Peru have slowly worked towards growing their businesses over time.

Safe Homes Movement Cares for The Pueblos Jovenes

Safe Homes works all over Latin America and Africa, but mainly in the southern area of Lima where thousands of homes have been constructed on the rough terrains on the outskirts of Lima. These communities of The Pueblos Jovenes in Peru have slowly worked towards growing their businesses over time.

The Pueblos Jovenes in Peru

Progress in The Pueblos Jovenes in Peru

Lima’s Pueblos Jovenes has evolved substantially since the 1980’s. Safe Homes Movement continues to work towards helping the people of Peru free themselves from the constraints of poverty.

To help assist local professionals bring comprehensive infrastructure to low-income communities in Latin America, consider joining an upcoming Safe Homes Service Learning Trip. To learn more about us, download our brochure!

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